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Explosive Devouring! Halloween Pasta!!🧀🧀🧀

Explosive Devouring! Halloween Pasta!!🧀🧀🧀

In this recipe, we'll show you how to make a special Halloween dish, Pumpkin Pasta, using a whole pumpkin. The natural sweetness of the pumpkin combines perfectly with creamy cheese, creating a taste sensation like no other.

First, wrap the whole pumpkin in plastic wrap and microwave it for 10 minutes until it becomes tender. Once softened, cut the pumpkin so that you can use it as a serving bowl, and remove the seeds.

Next, cook the pasta. In a frying pan, melt butter, then add ground meat, finely chopped onions, milk, flour, and black pepper. Stir until it becomes smooth. Add three types of cheese and the cooked pasta, and mix until smooth.

Stuff the smooth pasta into the pumpkin and sprinkle powdered mozzarella cheese on top. Then, bake it in the oven. This completes your special Halloween pumpkin pasta.

The combination of the three cheeses enhances the rich aroma, and when paired with pumpkin, it creates a harmonious taste explosion in your mouth. Enjoy the satisfying and delicious pumpkin pasta by devouring the entire pumpkin.

Try making this delicious pumpkin pasta recipe for a special Halloween treat!

1 pumpkin
20g butter
50g ground meat
1/2 onion
300ml milk
20g flour
A pinch of black pepper
1 piece of creamy cheese
1 piece of mozzarella cheese
2 pieces of cheddar cheese
Powdered mozzarella cheese (as needed)


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Please watch the detailed recipe on YouTube.

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Explosive Devouring! Halloween Pasta!!

Explosive Devouring! Halloween Pasta!!